For Businesses who want support creating their brand story


Getting clarity on your Brand Story can change everything – you’ll communicate with your customers more clearly, make better decisions about your business and get clear about what makes you unique,

But it’s not always easy to see your Brand Story yourself, because you’re just too close to it.

Over the course of these 1-1 coaching sessions (a minimum of six), I hold your hand while you build your brand story and show you how to tell that story with more impact.



Build your storytelling confidence across a series of sessions (min 6) on a 1-1 basis. These sessions will be moulded entirely to your specific needs, to work towards goals which are important to you…whether that’s to help you communicate something specific to your team, give you confidence speaking or showing you how to integrate storytelling into your role. 

They can either take place virtually or in person (for West Midlands based).

Packages start at £1800 for 6 sessions

Here's what you'll get:

Your questions answered:

Story Coaching is a tailored way to help you achieve your communication goals – whether it’s with your teams, stakeholders or customers, using stories. These sessions are flexible to the way you work, your goals and your level of experience. Every person’s experience of Story Coaching is unique, because everyone’s goals, experiences and personal preferences are unique.

The brilliant thing about these 1-1 sessions is they can geared to what you need and want out of them. The 1-1 Story Coaching in particular is geared around helping you identify personal goals around storytelling and achieving them. The Brand Story Toolkit session is more focused on clarifying your brand story, but the other sessions are completely open on what you want to cover – as long as it’s around storytelling. 

On the coaching and surgery sessions you’ll come away from each session with a plan of action to complete to help you achieve your overall objectives. 

On the Brand Story sessions, I come away with the information I need to build your Brand Story Toolkit,

Each session is usually 1 hour long, whether it’s a 1-1 Story Coaching session, a Brand Story Toolkit session or a Story Surgery session. However sessions can be made longer if required – we can discuss this by email or on a discovery call.

Yes, all the sessions can be done virtually and this is the way I usually work, In fact, sessions can only be done in person within the West Midlands, and these may be subject to a supplementary fee, due to travel and extra time costs.

Although both sessions are carried out on a 1-1 basis, their aims are very different. The 1-1 Story Coaching sessions are part of a longer term programme (minimum of 6 sessions) which work towards some longer term goals and improving storytelling skills. This leads to a deeper change, as it happens over a longer period of time.  

The Story Surgery Sessions are again 1-1, but are designed to tackle a specific topic around storytelling. It’s basically access to my brain for an hour, where we work through an issue together and then you come away with a plan. It’s also a great way to explore Story Coaching, if you’re not yet ready to commit to a longer-term programme.

It depends on what works for you. I’ve found the best frequency is often every couple of weeks. But some people prefer weekly and some people prefer monthly.  The only recommendation I have is that they’re at regular intervals (to create momentum), and you have enough time between sessions to complete any actions coming out of your session.

I’m both, although I lean towards a coaching approach, as I believe this helps create a result that’s more tailored to you. 

A mentor’s someone who works with someone from having experienced it, and a coach is someone who uses coaching skills and questioning techniques to find the best solution for their coachee. 

I have the experience with a wide variety of communication roles to know what works as a mentor. But I also am a fully qualified Executive Coach (ILM level 7). Which means I can help you find the best solutions for you  (depending on your personality type, preference, experience and context).

Absolutely not! If you want to connect with anyone on a deeper level – whether that’s galvanising your team or reaching your customers in a more meaningful way – story coaching can help you.

It’s is an important skill for writers and speakers, but it’s also a brilliant tool for anyone wanting to inspire or motivate someone.

Anyone that wants to create meaningful connections with people and is willing to do the work to get there. Everyone and every business has stories to tell and can tell them in an engaging way, when they know how. They just have to be willing to put themself out there and be vulnerable (although I can help with tools to make that easier). As long as someone is willing to do the work, they always have stories to tell and can be coached to tell them well.

Story Coaching doesn’t work for people who: think stories are fluffy and unimportant; already think they’re brilliant storytellers and people who aren’t interested in putting the work in to get the results. Coaching only works when you’re invested in the process and are open to it.

Great! Well, it depends on which package you’re interested in, If you want a quick and easy ‘Story Surgery’ session, then just book on the link to book your session in directly into my calendar. You’ll be asked for some details about what you want to achieve in the session when you book in. Make sure it’s a singular goal you want to tackle, as we only have 1 hour!

If you want me to create a Brand Story Toolkit, then drop me a line here and we can decide whether you want to book it straight in, or you want a quick chat first to check it’s right for you.

If you want to sign up for 1-1 Story Coaching sessions, then drop me a line to arrange a discovery call. As these sessions are more in depth, we need to have a chat to discuss your overall objectives and the way of working. We can then take it from there.

If you have any other queries, you can just drop me a line here.

ready for 1-1 STORY coaching?

Book your Story Coaching Discovery Call here.  

Make sure you answer the short questions, they will tell me about your goals.

2. We have a chat

We meet on Zoom to talk about your goals and how Story Coaching can help you as a leader or business owner.

3. We get coaching-ready

We agree on a coaching plan and contract and book in your sessions.

4. You start your voyage of self-discovery

Your coaching sessions start, and you begin a rewarding journey towards clarity, confidence and a happier you.

Is it time you started using the power of stories?