
  • How To Declutter Your Mind With Journalling

    Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How Journalling Can Clear the Chaos Have you ever rolled your eyes at the idea of journalling? Yeah, me too.  For a big chunk of my life I thought it was just one of those “airy-fairy” activities meant for people with way too much free time. Outpouring my feelings onto a page? […]

  • Why Knowing Your Values is a Game-Changer

    Ever felt like you’re just missing ‘something’? Job for life? Never my style. I worked at the BBC for 8 years, before moving on, and it was the same when I moved into Corporate Communications, another 8 years later. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy those roles, I did. And I performed them well – […]

  • Postnatal ambition

    “Your priorities will change”, they said. “Your career won’t matter any more.” On the first count they were right. But on the second they were oh, so wrong.