Marketing Tips and Strategies

Learn how to create a marketing strategy that actually works, using content that resonates with your ideal customer, leading to increased trust and sales. Find out how to improve customer experience and customer journey and communicate with your customers in a way that makes your brand irresistible. Learn about social strategies, copywriting tips, planning marketing projects and how to track what’s working.

  • Easy Copywriting Tips – Your Recipe

    Mmmmmm, rich, sticky, gooey chocolate cake. 😋 Don’t you want your website, email and social media copy to be like that? Totally tempting and irresistible? Then, think of your copy like a cake. When you’re writing, you have to juggle a lot of balls in the air, so I find it helps to think of […]

  • How to use your stories to sell more stuff.

    Storytelling. We’ve all heard about the power of telling stories in your business. But it can all be a bit of a mystery how the paloozas to use them to actually help you sell stuff. And where the heck are these stories anyway? Are they all hiding under a rock somewhere dancing to Harry Styles […]

  • What’s your story?

    “I don’t have a story.”   That’s what I hear from people when I meet them at events.  Even the most inspiring people you can possibly imagine just don’t find themselves interesting or worthy.  Fact.  You see, we never see our own stories – just like we very often don’t value ourselves as much as we […]