Need a little help with your marketing strategy or just need a bit of motivation to get going?

You’re in the right place!


My name’s Victoria. As well as being a jeweller, I’m an experienced marketing and communications professional and a former journalist.

I can create marketing strategies to get your business noticed.

In July 2019 I started The Jewellery Spot blog to promote the contemporary jewellery scene – with almost no contacts. Six months later, I’d built a network of a few hundred industry contacts, been invited to industry events (including one in Paris) and gathered more than 1700 followers on Instagram. And I’m still going.


You see, I’m passionate about people like you. People for who creating and selling jewellery is in their soul.  You design and make gorgeous jewellery, but sadly that’s not always enough. With so many other talented jewellers out there, you need to have a good, solid marketing strategy to help promote your brand.

The reason I started The Jewellery Spot is to show off the amazing designers out there, like you, who aren’t always getting noticed.  Why? Because I love independent design, and I’m sure others would too, if only they had the chance to see it.


But then I realised that wasn’t enough.  To truly spread the word about contemporary jewellery I needed to empower and educate YOU to market your business effectively too. So I started to share marketing tips too.


Because the thing is (as you’ll already know) being a small business owner is TOUGH. You’re expected to be an expert in EVERYTHING! And it’s also very difficult to be objective about your own brand if you’re actually a part of it. 

Then I realised that if I could work with you directly, ONE-ON-ONE, I can make an even bigger impact! So I’ve decided to open up a limited number of coaching sessions to help you with whichever aspects of marketing you need help with.

Whether you need some ideas on how to inspire people with your Insta-account, on how to plan your marketing content, get some ideas on what you should be writing or want to know how to get your perfect brand look, I can help.

What’s included in each session:

  • My analysis and research of your existing marketing and business (before the call)

  • 1/2 hour call with me, where we discuss your goals and a plan to achieve them.

  • A follow up email, listing a plan of action and other useful tips/advice

To reserve your ONE-TO-ONE coaching session with me, click here now:

To find out more about coaching with me, or to have a chat about how I can help you, please drop me a line here:


Or, if you’re simply not ready to sign up yet, but want to try out some of my marketing tips for free, then you can get my newsletter here:

I can’t wait to meet you and help you build the business of your dreams!

Victoria x

Here's what other designers say about me...

"Victoria is personable, relatable and relaxed but professional at the same time and evidently passionate about coaching and supporting others. "Highly recommended if you want to drive your business forward online and offline!"
Lorraine Hitt
Elsiem Jewellery