• What the Olympics teaches us about storytelling

    It was the same feeling I had the day after I finished panto. Once I’d hung up Hans’ tunic and hot pants for the last time, after months of rehearsing and performances, it took time to adjust back to ‘real life.’  And the same when I binge watched Ted Lasso in just a few days.  […]


  • The real reason you’re procrastinating

    Do you know you need to do something for your business, but somehow it always ends up at the bottom of the pile? Does a spot of procrasti-vacuuming seem oh-so-much more attractive than actually doing the things that you know NEED to be done? Have you ever thought there might be a deeper reason behind […]


  • Coaching – am I a good fit for you?

    If you’ve never worked with a coach before, you might be thinking: “What’s the point in coaching anyway?” So, if it helps, let me share a bit about why I love coaching so much and how I help my coachees. I always find a good story explains things better than a boring old list of […]


  • How to use your stories to sell more stuff.

    Storytelling. We’ve all heard about the power of telling stories in your business. But it can all be a bit of a mystery how the paloozas to use them to actually help you sell stuff. And where the heck are these stories anyway? Are they all hiding under a rock somewhere dancing to Harry Styles […]